‘Save the Children Convoy’ Promotes Plan to Create ‘Parallel’ Shadow Governments
March through downtown Ottawa led by group espousing sovereign citizen rhetoric that says it wants to create shadow governments
The “Save the Children Convoy” is partnering-up with a group that wants to create “parallel” governments to shadow real governments.
The STC Convoy, which just welcomed new reinforcements from Québec, held a march through downtown Ottawa Saturday afternoon that was led by group that has largely flown under the radar called “Civis4Reform.”
Convoy leaders identified Civis4Reform’s Maggie Hope Braun as the main organizer of the march, which prominently displayed the group’s banner.
The “big idea”: According to its website, Civis4Reform promotes “citizen engagement” as well as something they call the “big idea.”
This “big idea” involves establishing so-called “Community Accountability and Transparency Councils” across Canada, describing these as a “network of citizens working to improve their cities and towns.”
The group is vague on specifics, however, their old website suggests these entities would function as a kind of “parallel” municipal government that serves as a “watchdog or overseer” of the real government:
“CATCS is a parallel and volunteer Council initiative in all levels of Government, focused on accountability, transparency, and community-based governance. CATCS Councillors also review policy, regulations, permit initiatives past and present, and/or proposed mandates including regulatory and law amendments.”
It adds that the councils would function as a “liaison between the elected representative” and “the Canadian People.”
After establishing these shadow councils, the group then wants to establish their own “assemblies” where “polices and mandates can be debated.”
Civis4Reform’s website suggests some issues they’re interested in include “chemical spraying, weather modification, 5G towers” and “parental rights.”
Civis4Reform was co-founded by Martin Brodmann, a Nova Scotia resident and a party to James Bauder’s infamous Memorandum of Understanding during the Freedom Convoy which called for the replacement of Canada’s democratically-elected government with a junta consisting of convoy leaders, the Senate of Canada and the Governor General.
The Emergencies Act Inquiry final report notes that under this arrangement, “the people of Canada” were to be “represented by Canada Unity, Mr. Bauder, Sandra Bauder and Martin Brodmann.”
Maggie Hope Braun, who lists herself as a Civis4Reform “National Council” member, is a former Canada Action Party candidate and frequently attends local town council meetings to issue warnings that the United Nations is trying to “takeover” municipal governments.
Braun testified at the Emergencies Act Inquiry last year that she was arrested during the final police operation that cleared the Freedom Convoy.
Saturday night, during evening speeches at the STC Convoy’s farm, Braun suggested the group’s ultimate goal is to install a “de jure government”:
“We want a de jure government and it really starts at the local level, moves to the provincial level and then national — we are the national level of the new reform that this country needs.”
As per the Anti-Defamation League, the term “de jure government” is closely associated with “sovereign citizen ideology” and refers to a vague system of governance supposedly rooted in natural law — the term is also frequently invoked by STC Convoy leaders.
During her speech, Braun also cited an article in the most recent edition of the conspiratorial “Druthers” newspaper, which she said documented her struggle against her local town council.
According to Druthers:
“Groups are organizing ‘shadow councils’ that will be qualified replacements in case of a sudden resignation and designing a new open voting system.”
Civis4Reform did not respond to a request for comment from ConvoyWatch.